Something from Nothing

Friday, April 07, 2006

Something From Nothing...

How to get Something from Nothing,
(Using the Transcendental Math Approach):


If every number represents a concept of quantity, like 1 apple, 2 oranges and 4 pears etc…. then zero also represents a concept of quantity also.

Therefore any concept of quantity divided by itself will always equal 1.


even infinity divided by infinity will equal 1!

therefore 0/0=1


No apples divided by no apples = 1(no apples),

Where the ‘1’ represents a quality that is tangible but not existing within the realm of the apples, but rather; the ‘1’ exists about and around the non-apples, encompassing the nothingness with a oneness.

I suggest that the illusory ‘1’ that manifests during this kind of math represents non other than the mathematical proof of my living consciousness. Even though they may be no apples present after the math is done, what is present is my consciousness which is about and around the non-apple-ness. A calculator fails and produces an error message when trying to do the 0/0 sum because it has no consciousness and is therefore dead - I am also dead therefore when I fail to sense the singular concept of non-apple-ness when dividing no-apples by no-apples! do yer like them no-apples!!